UAE Taxation
- Provide advisory and compliance services in line with introduction of the new Corporate Tax (‘CT’)
Law and Transfer Pricing Regime in UAE. With respect to the UAE CT Law, our services include
impact assessment of UAE CT on businesses and assist with CT registrations, application for tax
groups, preparation and submission of CT returns.
- Through our expertise in global transfer pricing regulations and best practices, assistance with transfer
pricing related requirements as under:
- Support transfer pricing policies by preparing Master Files, Local Files and Country by Country
reporting templates, in accordance with regulatory requirements.
- Develop tax efficient and globally defensible transfer pricing models, in line with commercial
business activities and international transfer pricing practices.
- Advise multinational groups on business restructuring and value chain transformation.
- Assist businesses with the practical implementation of transfer pricing models and provide Tax
Authority dispute resolution services as well as help manage TP litigation cases from prevention and
management to resolution.